Mrs. Kathryn Prerost » Home Page

Home Page

I'm looking forward to a successful school year here at NJH.
Mrs. Prerost
7th Grade RLA
Class Information


Text the message @njhela7 to the number 81010. 

Contact Information

Email: [email protected]  

Phone: (936) 825-4225


10:56 - 11:46 AM


Please allow 24 hours to respond to any phone calls or emails.  I will do my best to get back to you as soon as possible.   

Course Description

Our class will incorporate lesson plans in reading, writing, listening, speaking, and viewing.  We will be using the 7th Grade HMH Literature Textbook in class in addition to supplemental reading and writing resources.  Everything we do in class can be accessed online if needed.  


  • 15 grades each nine weeks:
    • 3 major - unit test, quiz, project-based assessment, or essay
    • 12 daily - daily work and possible homework grades
  • Late assignments will be accepted with exceptions and the student must communicate with me within the week the assignment is assigned.
  • If a student fails a test, the student will have the opportunity to come to tutoring and retake the exam or complete an assignment equal to the skill(s) missed on the exam.  Points earned will be added to the original exam grade.
  • It is the student’s responsibility to turn in all work. 


1 - Binder 1”, notebook paper, 1 package of dividers, 1-2 packets of college ruled paper, 1 box of Kleenex, and 1 package of pencils.