Lauren Musick » Hello NJH Fangs!

Hello NJH Fangs!

Welcome to Navasota Junior High!
My name is Lauren Musick and this will be my 8th year in Navasota ISD. I am excited to begin my 5th year on the NJH team as Assistant Principal. My administrative background includes 25+ years of working with children and youth of all ages. My career began in Christian education, leading ministries for children and youth. After transitioning to the world of public education, my time in the classroom has been spent teaching science, math, and social studies at the upper elementary level. I have a BA in Psychology from East Texas Baptist University and a Master of Education in Educational Administration from Texas A&M University.
I am passionate about educating this generation of students and encouraging them to break any preconceived molds they think they might be confined to. EVERY child has the ability to be successful in their own way. I look forward to meeting new students this year and seeing the growth of former students. To any NJH students that may be reading this...your future is worth the effort! Give this year everything you've got so you can achieve your dreams. You are a CHAMPION!  
As always, it's a great time to be a Rattler! 
#WeAreNavasota #NJHChampions #FangPride #FangsLEAD