Jamie Geesling » Welcome to 8th Grade Science

Welcome to 8th Grade Science

Welcome to 8th grade Science on the Fang team! I'm Mrs. Geesling and I will be facilitating your journey through the wonderful world of science this year. We start at some of the smallest particles of matter and expand our discoveries out into the workings of the universe. I am truly excited to meet you and see what amazing things we can accomplish together this year!

Contact Information
  • Room: 604             
  • Email: [email protected]              
  • Telephone: (936) 825- 4225
  • Tutoring:
    • Mrs. Geesling has tutoring Tuesday and Thursday during lunch or as needed
    • Mrs. Seward has tutoring Monday - Thursday after school
  • Conference: 6th period: 1:10 - 2:02
*The best way to reach me to set up a conference is through email.
Google Classroom
Make sure to login to your google classroom for current information. This is where you can find your work if you are ever absent, study resources, extra credit assignments and information about retesting if you need to. 
Science has a new curriculum this year that is aligned with the newly adopted TEKS. Students will be assigned online activities and have a companion workbook.