Olivia Floyd » Mrs. Floyd's 6th Grade Science

Mrs. Floyd's 6th Grade Science

Contact Information:


Name: Olivia Floyd


Email: floydo@navasotaisd.org


Phone: (936) 825-4225 ext. 6124


Conference Time: 12:16 - 1:07 pm


Tutoring Times: I will be holding tutoring the week of unit tests. If you are unable to come to tutoring, please feel free to email me your questions. Class notes and additional resources will also be posted on Google Classroom.


Class Schedule:


1st:  Science 6

2nd: Science 6

3rd: PLC Period

4th: Science 6

5th: Conference Period

6th: Science 6

7th: Science 6

8th: Science 6


About Me:


I was born and raised in Sacramento, California and graduated from Baylor University with my Bachelor of Science in Forensic Anthropology. In college, I was a part of forensic excavations and worked for the CSI and Missing Persons. Soon after I graduated from Baylor, I lived and worked in Bangkok, Thailand where I taught English as a second language. After returning to the States, I graduated from the University of Mary-Hardin Baylor with my Master's Degree in Education. This will be my 6th year teaching at Navasota Junior High and my 10th year overall in education. I am privileged and super excited for you to be in my class and look forward to a great year! Go Fangs!